Wednesday 10 October 2012

Graphics help in communicating in a better manner:

       Be it an incident of bomb- blast in Mumbai, terror attacks or for that matter J. Dey’s death case, every issue of  mentioned above can be well demonstrated with illustration and graphics. Now here comes the question as to how do they help in communicating in a better manner than merely an image supporting the article. The answer being, when a common man who is illiterate, who can’t read and write; with the help of illustrations and graphics can figure out what exactly has happened.

If talking about the bomb- blast:
One can easily give a graphical representation of the series of bomb-blast by showing a train and the signs which show that a bomb-blast has occurred!

These are graphical representations

If taking an example of a train which got derailed:
One can show a train and a track which shows a train running out of track! So with this, any common lay man can understand what has happened. But if there is no graphical representation and only a picture showing a train, one can’t understand what exactly has happened! While talking about the bomb-blast we can show the series of bomb-blast that took place with numbers like 1, 2,3 4, 5, 6 along with the representation.
This helps in understanding the incident  pretty well.

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